About us

Lion Homestay Munich

Since 2016 the private accommodation Lion Homestay Munich welcomes guests from all over the world.
It offers 2 private rooms in the first floor  of a lovingly decorated single-family home.
The house is located in a quiet and secure residential area.

The Story

how our name originated

Private Rooms in Bavaria

Coat of arms of Bavaria

Lions are the emblem in the coat of arms of Bavaria. Not least because of that the lion is of particular importance also to Bavaria's capital Munich.

Private Rooms in Bavaria - Zodiac sign LEO

Zodiac sign Lion

Irene & son Maximilian were both born in the zodiac sign of lion.

Private Rooms in Bavaria - Lion door knob

Lion at the entrance

Right at the entrance you will be welcomed by a lion. The lion was in place at the original entrance door from the year 1935.

Private Rooms in African Style Munich

African Style

Many more african style elements you can find in our accommodation - starting with the carpet with leopard pattern through to the chairs in zebra look.